Integration with Trello Software
Get a complete picture of the team’s work by connecting Trello projects to AtTrack time tracking app.
Try free for 1 Month. No credit card required.

Get the most out of your day
- Sync your Trello account with AtTrack in 3 steps
- Start tracking each task you’ve set in Trello
- Filter the projects by status and issue type
- Switch between projects without stopping the timer
- Both Trello and AtTrack projects are linked
- Tasks from Trello appear in AtTrack
- Time tracked in AtTrack is automatically displayed in Trello
- No copy-pasting between the apps. Don’t overwhelm yourself with little details – let us take care of it!
- Monitor projects in real-time to see the progress
- Keep track of every hour of your teammates
- Group, sort, and filter reports getting more details
- Get invoices based on precise reports and bill your clients. Estimate the cost of each project to make sure you don’t exceed the limit.
Connecting Time Tracking Features to Trello
Set the timer on a Trello card
Pick a card from your board list. A drop-down menu lets you edit card content if necessary. Click the AtTrack Start timer button in the Actions menu.
Start tracking cards
By clicking the Start timer button, AtTrack begins to track your Trello working time. Pay attention that the overall time spent on the card will be shown both in AtTrack and Trello after you press the Stop timer button.
Edit the data, if needed
Feel free to edit the name of the task, project, and shortcuts while keeping a connection with Trello
See a time report
AtTrack displays manually logged-in time entries as well as from different external systems.

Stop Wasting Your Time, Start Using It!
AtTrack is a part of Umbrella Group:
an international group of companies focused on the digitalisation of its customers’ business