Connecting a Trello board with a project
In order to start syncing Trello cards with tasks in AtTrack, you first need to link the board to the project. Only the Administrator and the Project Manager can link the Trello board to the project.
1. Go to the "Projects" section. In the list of projects, find the desired project and click on its name.
2. On the project page, scroll down a bit to see the Modules section. In the "Choose Trello board" drop-down list, select the desired whiteboard, and in the “Choose lists” drop - down list, select the lists from the Trello whiteboard that you want to sync with the project. Cards from these lists will be synchronized with the “Tasks”tab.
If you want to sync all the lists from the Trello board, just select “All”.
3. Click "Attach". After that, the board will be linked to the project, the selected lists will be saved and synchronization will start.
★ You have successfully linked the Trello board to the project. Now the cards from the selected lists will be synchronized in the "Tasks" tab. The task data can be renamed, archived, and restored only in the linked Trello board, and all the changes made will be displayed in AtTrack automatically.
Possible problems and solutions:
The cards I added to Trello didn't automatically appear in the AtTrack task list. Start syncing manually. To do this, in the Trello module, click on the sync button located next to the “Integration with Trello”header. This button appears after the first synchronization with the board.
- I chose the wrong lists to sync. How do I change them?
Find out how to change the synced lists here.
- I tied the wrong board. How do I untie it from the project?
You can find out how to untie the board here.