Employee reports

The “Employee Reports” page is intended for the manager to control the work done by employees during a day.

Employees with the "Manager" role can view the reports of the project teams, and managers/supervisors of a higher level can view the reports of their subordinate managers.v

To view a report:

  1. Go to the “Results of the day” section -> “Employee reports” tab.
  2. Filter by user or project, depending on how you want to structure the report.
  3. Select a date.

4. The page will display a completed employee report with total hours worked, project names, comments on tasks, blockers, and plans for tomorrow.

5. To provide feedback to an employee, you as a manager can evaluate the report.

5.1 Select one of the options “Negative/Positive” and add a short clarifying comment if required.

5.2 Click “Save”.

★ Once saved, your evaluation will be displayed to the employee.