Adding a Member to a Project

.In order for employees to be able to select a project in the desktop application, you need to add participants (members) to it.

Administrator and Manager of this project can add new members to the project.

1. Go to the "Projects" section. Find the required project in the list of projects and click on its name.

  1. On the project page, go to the “Project team" tab and click on the “+Add team member" button.
  1. Select the user, their role on the project, position, and effectivity template. The list of positions displays all the positions of the company and the positions of a specific project. How to add positions to a company is described in detail here. You can read how to add positions within a single project here. The list of effectiveness templates displays the effectiveness templates available to Manager. How to add effectiveness templates is described in detail here.

Each project memeber must have one of the following roles:

Manager -a user with this role can track the time against a project, see the activity of other project members, send and process requests for adding time, edit the project: add/remove members and tasks.

Employee -user with this role can track the time againsts a project, see their own activity only, and send requests for adding time.

Observer -a user with this role can only see the activity of other project members.

  1. Click “Save”

★ New employee successfully added to the project.

Possible problems and solutions:

  • What happens if you delete a participant from the project?

The user will no longer be able to select a project in the desktop application, run a time counter on it, or send a request to add time. The time spent by the employee is saved. The administrator or project manager can add the user to the project again.